The cool autumn weather is starting to shift to chilly days and frigid nights; this means that winter weather is on its way. It’s an excellent time to complete your annual heating maintenance so that you know your furnace is ready for the wintry days ahead. Here are a few reasons furnace maintenance is important.
Regular Maintenance Helps Your HVAC System Work Properly
To ensure your HVAC system is operating efficiently, it’s essential to schedule regular maintenance to confirm that all the components are working correctly.
Otherwise, you risk restricting the airflow through your system, causing it to have to work harder to heat your home. This makes your unit less efficient and increases your heating costs.
For example, if you neglect to have your air filter regularly changed, it will get dirty and impede the flow of air through your HVAC system. Furnace service ensures that your air filter is clean and changed according to a recommended maintenance schedule.
Routine Maintenance Keeps Your Family Healthy
Your furnace circulates air throughout your house; if it’s not working correctly, you run the risk of filling your home with dust, mold, pet dander, allergens, and other pollutants. This can cause or exacerbate respiratory problems and lead to headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.
Poor indoor air quality will rapidly improve when your furnace is regularly serviced.
You Can Prolong The Lifespan Of Your HVAC System
A furnace service session removes dirt and grime that impedes your system’s airflow and causes it to work harder. This extra work puts stress on your HVAC system which can shorten its lifespan. You’ll have to replace your furnace prematurely, and you’re more likely to have expensive repairs.
It’s more cost-effective to fix problems with your furnace while they’re minor issues instead of waiting until they progress to more intensive repairs. With proper heating maintenance, your furnace can last 15 to 20 years.
Schedule Your Heating Maintenance
Total Home Services of Utah can assist with your furnace service needs. Contact us at (801) 436-3333 to schedule your heating service appointment.